Installing WP OAuth Server is performed just like any other WordPress plugin. Before you can install, you must have downloaded the plugin. You can purchase WP OAuth Server at https://wp-oauth.com/downloads/wp-oauth-server/.
WP OAuth Server Pro Install
- Visit https://wp-oauth.com/my-account/purchase-history/ and download the latest version of WP OAuth Server.
- Visit your WordPress’s plugin page in WP-Admin and upload WP OAuth Server.
- Activate the plugin after install.
Free Download Install
Please refer to https://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins#Installing_Plugins for more information on installing WordPress OAuth Server.
Download the community version at https://wordpress.org/plugins/oauth2-provider/. Keep in mind that the community version may not have a specific feature you are looking for. If not, please see the Pro Version or contact support at support@wp-oauth.com.