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News & Updates

Stay up to Date with Our News and Releases

We like to post from time to time about trends in the OAuth 2.0 Realm. You can find any updates here.
Sell your Add-on(s) and Products in our Marketplace

Sell your Add-on(s) and Products in our Marketplace

Last year was a great year for us. As we sat around the office and discussed our approach to the 2018, we had a thought that just made sense. We sell a premium WordPress plugin that is used by over 40,000 businesses. Each year our customer base grows exponentially and so does our recognition and […]

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WP OAuth Server CE Updated: 3.4.3

WP OAuth Server CE Updated: 3.4.3

WP OAuth Server has been updated to 3.4.3. The update contains some bugs fixes that made it into the last version push. FIX: Notice Error ENHANCEMENT: UX while editing clients UPDATE: Base code updates UPDATE: Tag update FIX: Removed rouge file from previous versions of plugin. This was causing the plugin not to update correctly. […]

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WP OAuth Server Community Version: Major Update

WP OAuth Server Community Version: Major Update

The developers of WP OAuth Server at Dash10 Digital have decided that the CE version of WP OAuth Server is branching to far from the main project. This is resulting in multiple versions that are not compatible with each other. The merge The next release is set for Oct 23rd, 2017. This version will be 3.4.3 and […]

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WP OAuth Server Updated : 3.4.2

WP OAuth Server Updated : 3.4.2

WP OAuth Server version 3.4.2 was released today to the general public. This version includes some bug fixes: FIX: Return Context for older PHP versions (backward compatibility) FIX: 404 linking issue FIX: Thickbox bug TASK: Minor security checks TASK: Compatibility check Update Today! You are able to update WP OAuth Server via your WordPress dashboard […]

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Sales to EU Customer Will Continue Without Restrictions

Sales to EU Customer Will Continue Without Restrictions

Today we decided that we will move ahead and open up sales to our EU customers once again . The reason we “restricted” sales to EU is because the VAT was an undesired burden on the project. The value added tax took too many resources to handle and could charge up to 30% on any […]

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Our New Website Has Been Launched

Our New Website Has Been Launched

Chances are that is you are reading this blog post, you are doing so on our new website. Today we are pleased to announce our new website and structure has been pushed into the wild. The new update was a much-needed update to WP OAuth Server and the brand. The new website streamlines the most […]

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3.4.1 Release Notes

3.4.1 Release Notes

Today, version 3.4.1 was released. Below is a list of enhancements and fixes that are contained in the new release. Added consent, login and none support for “prompt”. Added consent window for authorization flow. Added the “wo_use_grant_request” filter to enable user consent. Here is an example to enable the user consent dialog. add_filter(‘wo_use_grant_request’,’__return_true’); The features […]

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Day of Action for Net Neutrality

Day of Action for Net Neutrality

On July 12, 2017, websites, Internet users, and online communities will come together to sound the alarm about the FCC’s attack on net neutrality. Learn how you can join the protest and spread the word at Right now, new FCC Chairman and former Verizon lawyer Ajit Pai has a plan to destroy net neutrality […]

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JWT Authentication Coming Soon For WordPress

JWT Authentication Coming Soon For WordPress

UPDATE: WP OAuth Server does support JWT now. We have received a few inquiries about JWT Bearer Tokens being supported to authenticate with WordPress. Now that we launched WP OAuth Server 3.4.0, adding JWT Authentication for WP REST API is now our main focus for the next release. Our Thoughts on JWT Authentication with WP […]

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Scheduled Maintenance

Scheduled Maintenance

Today we preformed scheduled maintenance on our server and site. Part of the maintenance was optimizing the inter workings of or server. This included cleaning the database of users and data that is old, outdated and not being used anymore. Don’t worry, if you have an account and used it for purchasing WP OAuth Server, […]

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