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Version 3.3 Released

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Version 3.3 Released

Version 3.3 Released

We are excited to announce version 3.3 of WP OAuth Server has been released into the wild today. This update has been 4 months in the making. We took a step back from the project and evaluated the pinch points and areas that WP OAuth Server could be improved. Some changes were small and some required a new development from the ground up.

New Enchantments and Features

  • Client queries now utilize WP_Query. We moved client storage to the “posts” table instead of its own table. This improves the API response time drastically and helps for better compatibility for network installs in the near future.
  • DB Structure has been optimized for better performance.
  • Grant types are now stored with the client. This improved security by restricting individual clients to certain grant types. Before version 3.3, grant types were not set or utilized in the core.
  • Refactored admin menu layout for better user experience.
  • Translations are now an option for basic context.
  • Spanish translation added.

Grant Type Restriction

Grant Type restriction allows you to have more control over how the API can be accessed. If you have an mobile application that only requires “User Credentials”, there is no need for that Client ID, to be used with any other Grant Type. This adds tighter security while allowing you easily manage how the API is being access for each client.

Upgrade Notes

  • During the the plugin activation, we added a migration script to manage, migrating your clients to the storage. Since older version of WP OAuth Server do not have grant types attach to them, we opted to enabled ALL grant types for each client. After updating to 3.3.0, please visit each client and enable only the grant types you need. If you don’t know what grant types you need, please contact support.
  • Since the storage for clients changed, this update may break existing code typically having to do with custom queries for clients.


You can update WP OAuth Server by visiting your plugins page in the admin. Simply click “Update Now”.

If you do not have WP OAuth Server you can download it at WP OAuth Server.

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