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Minor Release – 3.0.2

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Minor Release – 3.0.2

Minor Release – 3.0.2

Hello All,

Today version 3.0.2 was released for WordPress OAuth Server. Both the Official WordPress repo and GitHub have been updated to the latest version.

To update using WordPress please go to “Dashboard->Updates” and select “WordPress OAuth Server”, then click update.

Updates include the following:

  • Re added the authentication code option to the advanced admin panel. It has been brought to out attention that the absence of the option did not allow the authentication option for to be enable on new installs.
  • Server error for when the API is disabled now uses the OAuth Server core instead of manual JSON return.
  • ME method for the resource server now checks to ensure that the access token being used is indeed for a user. If the client credentials grant type was used to authenticate, the access token does not have a user_id assigned thus making the “me” method fail silently. This is not patched.

It is recommended to update to the latest version when possible.

Thanks for using WordPress OAuth Server and until next time, later!

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